Welcome to Maine Go

News and Information for Maine Go Players

The goal of Maine Go is to promote the game of Go (Weiqi, Baduk) in Maine. If you play go or would like to learn, come to any of our meetups!

We mostly talk and plan on Discord. When we play online, we usually play on OGS where we have a group.



We meet most Sundays from 11am to 2pm in the cafe inside the Portland Museum of Art. (You don’t need to buy a pass for the museum, just come downstairs!)


We meet most Thursdays at 6pm at the Augusta Panera Bread.


Most of us have OGS accounts. Sometimes, particularly on Wednesdays, we’ll convene to play games there, and use Discord for audio.


We had our second Maine State Championship and Open on November 23rd, 2024.
Contact us to hear about any upcoming plans.


Maine Go is an American Go Association (AGA) chapter. If you are not a member, consider joining the AGA. The AGA provides support and ranking for its chapters and members. If you are interested in joining the AGA, you can join through Maine Go and get half off your first year membership!
